Is your dancer ready to take their dreams and skills to the next level? Become apart of our National award winning competition team! For more info please email Jody at stepitupdance@hotmail.com
Competitive Team Intensive - Auditions
Date - TBA
FAQ about competition team
Does my child have to audition for competition team?
Yes, we require all our team members to go through our audition processes. If you are unable to make our audition date please ask about a private audition time.
Does my dancer need experience to be on team?
Yes, all dancers aspiring to be on team should have a minimum of 2 years dance experience through recreational classes.
What is the minimum age that is allowed on team?
5 years old
What categories can my child compete in?
Solos, Duets, Trios, and Group Numbers
How many numbers can my child compete in?
Each dancer can be apart of any amount of competitive numbers. However it is up to teachers discretion on what numbers the dancer will be placed in based off of age and skill level.
What are the required classes my child must take to be on team?
Each team member is required to take a minimum of four recreational classes. The dancer may pick recreational classes to take but it is minatory to take Strength & conditioning, Tap & Ballet combo and Leaps & Turns technique class. It is also recommended that the dancer is enrolled in classes pertaining to the genre of dance they compete in.
How many competitions will the team attend?
Our competition team attends 2-3 regional competitions and can be qualified to attend nationals. However, solos are allowed to attend as many competitions throughout the season as desired but will do so individually.
When is the competition season?
The regional competition season last February- April. Instructors will pick out which competitions and dates the team will be attending.
How much do costumes cost?
Competitive costumes usually run between $70-$100 per number.
How much do warm up outfits cost?
Each team member will receive a pair of custom Step It Up leggings and a custom warm up jacket. The cost are $90 for both.
What are competition fees and how much do they cost?
Each competition attended require any entry fee per routine. Entry fees are added up depending how many numbers the dancer is involved in.
Are there fundraisers to help with competition costs?
Yes, we will have at least one fundraiser you can chose to participate in. However much you raise will go back into your team account.
How much is monthly tuition to be apart of the competitive team?
Competitive team member received 10% off their recreational classes.After being selected on which numbers they will compete in, competition class cost are added into monthly tuition. Competition class cost vary depending on which, and how many numbers your dancer is selected to be in.